Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do What you Do

The Monday/Thursday posting plan is quickly going out the window.  I like to talk too much and when I'm home during nap time, I have no one to talk to.  So this is my outlet.

Today I did a little cross training at the Y.  20 minutes on the Arc Trainer, which is kind of like an elliptical but a little harder, in my opinion.  What I like about the Arc is that I can put good music on and kind of exercise to the beat of the song since the machine is very rhythmic and you can slow down and speed up at any point during your workout.  If I could, I would totally dance around the gym and lip sync to my music.  But I don't want to be the crazy lady at the gym so the Arc Trainer is going to have to do.  I also did a few nautilus exercises to build back and ab muscles.

While jamming on the Arc, I noticed a man in front of me on the treadmill.  He was running and watching the Kathie Lee and Hoda show on the personal tv attached to his machine.  Assuming that he knew that he could change the channel and watch whatever program he wanted, I found myself being proud of him for not being embarrassed of his viewing choice.  That is pretty much the worst show on TV during the 10am hour but he didn't care.  He was getting his fix of over 50 women drinking wine at 10am.  But, for whatever reason, he is into it enough to run to it so good for him!  Do what you do!

He did look at me when he got off the treadmill as if to say, "don't judge."  Little did he know that I was doing just the opposite and, resisting the urge to pat him on the back and said "good job!" for shamelessly watching terrible talk TV while running.

My long drawn out point is that it doesn't matter what your "thing" is.  If you are doing something to make yourself or others better, then do it!  If you like wearing cut -off denim shorts to the gym, do it!  If you enjoy watching Anderson Cooper sort out the problems of Honey Boo Boo's family unit while you cycle, go for it.  If you are into wearing the same thing to the gym every day (talking to you, dude in the gray hoodie), then just make sure you wash said clothing item on a regular basis, and do it!

I, personally, like to fake dance on the Arc Trainer and I have to say that I'm pretty darn good at it!

Do what you do!

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